MP Derek Sloan Raises Concerns Over Censorship of Doctors and Scientists
Video: The Government's War On Worship
“It is normal to wait 9 hours in Emergency to see a doctor” is what my parents were told on their last visit to our local hospital. This is the new Canadian normal for a broken health care system. However, it hasn't always been this way. The Fraser Institute is a very well-known Canadian research organization that researches government actions in areas such as quality of life, taxation, health care, aboriginal issues, education, economic freedom, energy, natural resources and the environment. They have been studying Canadian medical wait times for almost 30 years, and have produced a 2021 study that reports a 175% increase in wait times since 1993.
More specifically, they say, “Specialist physicians surveyed report a median waiting time of 25.6 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and receipt of treatment—longer than the wait of 22.6 weeks reported in 2020. This year’s wait time is the longest wait time recorded in this survey’s history and is 175% longer than in 1993, when it was just 9.3 weeks.” (https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/waiting-your-turn-wait-times-for-health-care-in-canada-2021) They warn us that; “Wait times can, and do, have serious consequences such as increased pain, suffering, and mental anguish. In certain instances, they can also result in poorer medical outcomes—transforming potentially reversible illnesses or injuries into chronic, irreversible conditions, or even permanent disabilities. In many instances, patients may also have to forgo their wages while they wait for treatment, resulting in an economic cost to the individuals themselves and the economy in general.The results of this year’s survey indicate that despite provincial strategies to reduce wait times and high levels of health expenditure, it is clear that patients in Canada continue to wait too long to receive medically necessary treatment.” https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/waiting-your-turn-wait-times-for-health-care-in-canada-2021
The same Fraser Institute also conducted a study comparing the Canadian health care system to that of 28 other universal health-care systems in high-income countries. The OECD is The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, an intergovernmental organization with 38 member countries. The study concluded; “Overall, the data examined suggest that, although Canada’s is among the most expensive universal-access health-care systems in the OECD, its performance is modest to poor.”
The study evaluated availability of resources, use of resources, access to resources and quality and clinical performance. It found that although Canada spent more money on health care than just about every country in the OECD, it is delivering some of the poorest care for those dollars spent. More specifically, Canada spent the second highest amount of money in terms of the percentage of our GDP (Gross National Product). Yet we ranked 26 out of 28 countries for number of doctors per thousand people and 25th of 28 countries for number of hospital beds per thousand people. We also ranked 10th place for wait times for a specialist.
The report concludes “Canada ranks among the most expensive universal health-care systems in the OECD. However, its performance for availability and access to resources is
generally below that of the average OECD country, while its performance for use of resources and quality and clinical performance is mixed. Clearly, there is an imbalance between the value Canadians receive and the relatively high amount of money they spend on their health-care system.” https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/comparing-performance-of-universal-health-care-countries-2021
To see the summary of their report and to get a link to their full report goto: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/comparing-performance-of-universal-health-care-countries-2021
In Canada, our health care dilemma has been compounded by our government's response to the Covid situation of 2020-2021. The choice to prioritize Covid care resulted in postponing over 350,000 non-covid surgeries and procedures and that is just in the first half of 2020. Those surgeries and procedures must now be re-scheduled somehow on top of the flood of new surgeries and procedures coming in all the time.
How many Canadian health care workers were forced out of their jobs by vaccine mandates? CTV news claims that hundreds of health workers in the Lower Mainland have been put out of their jobs by the mandates.(https://bc.ctvnews.ca/decision-not-made-lightly-lower-mainland-health-authorities-say-of-hundreds-of-workers-fired-over-covid-19-vaccine-1.5790598) According to CBC news in an Oct 26, 2021 article commenting again on B.C.; “During a media briefing on Tuesday, Health Minister Adrian Dix said more than 4,000 health-care workers missed the deadline for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination.”https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/vaccine-mandate-health-care-workers-1.6225527 What would the number be Canada-wide? No-one knows for sure but TNC News estimates based on official provincial government data as well as media reports, that “...nearly 10,000 unvaccinated health care workers across Canada have been placed on unpaid leave or had their jobs terminated by health authorities as of Dec. 16.” (2021) https://tnc.news/2021/12/16/provinces-sacked-almost-10000-health-care-workers-over-vaccine-mandates/ By throwing away hundreds or even thousands of health care workers out of our Canadian health care system, the system has suffered even more and sunk even lower.
Is this health care crisis only a result of Covid 19? No, actually Canada has been experiencing a health care crisis from before Covid. Consider these Ontario statistics, CBC news reports; “Five hospitals in the Greater Toronto Area, as well as the main hospital in Hamilton, Sudbury, Peterborough and Niagara Falls all spent more than 160 days over their funded capacity during the 181-day period from January through June 2019. ... CBC News analyzed data for all 169 acute care hospital sites in the province during this six-month time frame. Some of the key findings:
83 hospitals were beyond 100 per cent capacity for more than 30 days.
39 hospitals hit 120 per cent capacity or higher for at least one day.
40 hospitals averaged 100 per cent capacity or higher.”
The Canadian Association Of Emergency Physicians has issued this serious assessment; “The Covid-19 pandemic has rightly called into question the ability of Canadian emergency departments – and the healthcare system as a whole – to handle any potential large surge of patients presenting to our doors. Even before this pandemic, Canadian emergency patients regularly saw the effects of our crowded hospitals. They waited in the waiting room, on ambulance stretchers, and in our hallways, due to an inability to flow admitted patients from the emergency department to the in-patient wards and ICUs. Mathematical modelling suggests that, for safety and to provide some capacity for a surge, a hospital’s occupancy rate should be 85% but in Canada, that number routinely reaches and exceeds 100%. Canada has one of the lowest rates of bed availability in the western industrialized world. The OECD average is 4.8 beds per 1,000 population; Canada has 1.9 beds per 1,000 (2018).”
A broken system is a system that preforms poorly even when you throw money at it. This seems to be the state of the Canadian Health care system. Hopefully, our leaders, or maybe some new leaders, will prioritize and revise the system so that we may rise from the bottom.
Shawn Stevens
Most Christian men and women, though distinct from the world around them in terms of their theological beliefs, in many other ways mirror the culture that they were raised in. We have followed the paths laid out for us by others who came before and we don't naturally think outside of the boxes that we were raised to think and live in. However, every once in a while someone comes along who is willing to overturn all of the tables, re-write the rules and upend the whole system, or at least in terms of how they choose to live. They are non-conformists. They are on a quest for greater Christian experience and greater liberty. They are willing to take a large leap of faith and live another way.
This article will explore such a life, specifically in relation to the idea of Christian communal living, also called living in a Christian intentional community. Has this been done before? Oh yes. Does this have a Biblical basis? It does. Are there benefits to such a life? Most definitely. Are there challenges to creating such a lifestyle? Uh-uh, large ones.
Why don't we start by considering the Biblical basis and ideal. In the early part of Jesus' ministry He selected 12 disciples and called them to follow him. These disciples left their fishing nets and other occupations and did follow Jesus. How did they live? They traveled throughout the region, ministered to others and lived together. After Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension His followers continued sharing the Gospel. The book of Acts tells us this about the early Christians;
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ [n]doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and [o]sold their possessions and goods, and divided[p] them among all, as anyone had need.
So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added [q]to the church daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
What a beautiful picture of unity and living together. Has anyone tried to emulate this? Yes, there have been many, many examples of different forms of Christian communal living throughout the centuries from early desert fathers, who lived communally to pursue a more monastic lifestyle, to the Christian hippies of the 1960's and 1970's. And there have been many others. There are some who live this way today. Whether from past or present, they have a story to tell and an example to show us. Some of these we will zero in on and look at more closely.
The Bruderhof is an Anabaptist movement that was started in Germany in 1920 by Mr. Eberhard Arnold. They had an early association with the Hutterites, who are known for their traditional communal living. The term “ Bruderhof” had been used by the Hutterites to refer to their communities in Moravia. The difficult years leading up to World War II saw much of the Bruderhofs, who were conscientious objectors to war, relocate outside of Germany. Many moved to other parts of Europe, Paraguay and eventually in 1954, came to America and set up. Many of those communities continue to this day.
The Bruderhofs live a rural life, operate communal farms and other communal businesses. They live together, worship together and share at least one communal meal each day. They dress traditionally. Each community shares a common purse and each member does not earn a personal income. They differ from Hutterite communities somewhat, in that they are very welcoming of outsiders and they are involved in social and political activism. They say; “We do not want to wait for peace and justice until the day of Christ’s return. We wish to demonstrate a shared life of work and worship in which the harmony of his coming kingdom can be seen and touched today, in our daily lives.” (Foundations of Our Faith and Calling
Life in Community)
The Bruderhofs highly esteem manual work. They consider it to be a form of worship to God. They say;
Work must be indivisible from prayer, prayer indivisible from work. Our work is thus a form of worship, since our faith and daily life are inseparable, forming a single whole. Even the most mundane task, if done as for Christ in a spirit of love and dedication, can be consecrated to God as an act of prayer. To pray in words but not in deeds is hypocrisy.Work is a command of God and has intrinsic worth. He gave the earth to humankind to enjoy, cultivate, and care for in reverence as good stewards in his stead. Therefore, we honor work on the land. We honor physical work – the exertion of muscle and hand – and the craftsman’s creativity and precision. We honor the activity of the mind and soul too: the inspired work of the artist, the scholar’s exploration of nature and history, the enterprise of the inventor, the skill of the professional. Whatever form our work takes, we are called to do it to the best of our ability in service to the kingdom of God.
Foundations of Our Faith and Calling Life in Community
As well as valuing work, they greatly value the sacredness of human life. They say “Christ’s Golden Rule – to do to others as we would have done to ourselves – requires solidarity with all people and respect for their dignity as fellow human beings made in the image of God. To treat others merely as the means to an economic end is a sin.” (Foundations of Our Faith and CallingLife in Community) And; “Our life together gives us opportunities to show love to one another at every stage of life, from welcoming a newborn baby to attending older brothers and sisters in their last years. Deeds of love are not routine but personal – a matter of following Christ’s command to “wash one another’s feet.” We want to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”In doing this, we seek to remember especially those with burdens to carry: widows and widowers, orphans, the disabled and sick, those with mental and emotional ailments, and those who are lonely.”(Foundations of Our Faith and Calling Life in Community)
Because most Hutterite communities are known for requiring conformity to a very strict set of laid out expectations, it must be noted that the Bruderhofs value a great deal of diversity and free expression. They say of “The Individual in Community”;
Just as in a prism we can see the different colors of the spectrum, so in a fellowship of brothers and sisters we will find diverse reflections of God’s image. We rejoice in each of these, and reject all attempts to make people uniform. Since all are of equal worth, all must be free to be themselves. The more originality there is among us, the more vibrant our fellowship will be.At the same time, we must distinguish between healthy self-determination – being true to one’s conscience – and the self-centered individualism that sees everything from its own perspective and seeks its own advantage. While the former is vital in a living community, the latter will destroy it.
(Foundations of Our Faith and CallingLife in Community)
There are approximately 2900 Bruderhofs members worldwide. They have produced many interesting utube videos telling of their values and their way of life.
The “Jesus Movement”, “Jesus Revolution” of the 1960's and the 1970's is another example of Christian communal living. That whole era (1960s to early 1970s) was known for the secular Hippie movement which was an expression of anti-establishment, anti-war, non-conformity sentiments. Secular hippie culture was also known for drug experimentation, rock music and for dropping out of mainstream society. Many hippies practiced communal living.
In the later 1960s and early 1970's a Christian revival broke out among the hippies and became known as The “Jesus Movement” or the “Jesus Revolution.” thousands of hippies came to Christ. Christian hippies dropped their drugs and pre-marital sex and adopted a Christian ethic. However, they still kept many aspects of hippie culture such as dress, rock and folk music (now Christian rock and folk) and communal living.
The Christian hippie was a whole new breed of hippie. How did the surrounding secular culture view these Christian hippies? They called them by a new name, “Jesus Freaks.” This term, though originally meant as a put-down, was embraced by Christian hippies as a badge of honor. After all, Jesus did say; “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:11) Christian hippies were now proud Jesus freaks, who were even more counter-culture than secular hippies.
What did Jesus freaks do? They spoke openly of their faith, they ran coffee-houses where they preformed their music and engaged in ministry and many of them lived communally.
“The Shiloh Youth Revival Centers” opened up, founded in 1968 in Costa Mesa California. Over 100,000 people became involved in these revival centers and 175 communal houses were set up during its lifespan.
A fascinating documentary called “LIVING IN COMMUNITY-THE MOVIE” can be viewed on utube. It contains 2013 and 2014 interviews with leaders and participants from modern intentional Christian communities operating in Europe and England. They tell their vision and why they have chosen this way of life. Some of these communities are made up of 35 people, like “Gemeinschaftshaus Moosrain” in Switzerland and others are larger like “Jesus Army” in England which consists of over 600 members.
In the documentary they convey their beliefs that Christians are to live sacrificial lives and truly love one another. It is their deep conviction that this love of one another should be more than once-a-week contact, Sunday service attendance, but rather, is better seen in daily living. They contend that every Christian should participate in community in some way and at some level. They point out Jesus' teaching; “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13) and say that this can be experienced living in community. They are also realistic expressing that people living under one roof does not guarantee community. Participants in this kind of life must open up to each other, be real, extend trust and maintain a relationship with God and then with others. Then community begins to occur. They are enthusiastic because they have found this. They also stress the importance of being missional and reaching out to others, to people on the margins who have lost their way. They have found a deep satisfation in sharing with others.
So far we have looked at some intentional Christian communities and I have highlighted some on the advantages of living in community. Are there challenges as well? Without a dought there must be. Anytime multiple people share a small space, there is going to be times when they get on each other's nerves. If your way of overcoming conflict is to retract from people, then you will be less able to do that, living in community. Living together successfully means striving for harmony, showing patience, having an open mind, being tolerant of certain differences, communicating effectively and showing respect to others. This system of living is only as good as the people involved in it. The mental health, or lack-there-of, of one member will potentially affect the mental health of others. It is critical that each member maintains a healthy relationship firstly, with God and then with the others in the group.
All of the above mentioned groups that I have discussed here, are in some ways similar and in some ways different. They are all deeply devoted to Christ and seeking to follow Him. Some like the Bruderhofs, are very rural, where others like the Jesus People and the Jesus Army run urban communities. The Jesus hippies of the 60s and 70s were a combination of both rural and urban. Some groups operate by sharing a common purse while other Christian communities (not necessarily mentioned here) alow a greater degree of private property and assets. In every case there is a great deal of sharing. They share belongings. They share in their work and they share life and faith together.
In their following of Jesus and conforming to Jesus, they have become non-conformists towards the world and culture and system around them. They have become Jesus freaks instead of becoming worldlings.
They receive the blessing and look forward to the heavenly reward, of being reviled and persecuted for Jesus Christ. They have love for God and love for their fellow man, those on the margins, those who have lost their way and reach out to them. Life is sacred; community is necessary and good.
This is a look at Christian Communal living. The respected Christian ministry Focus on the Family has weighed in on this topic in their on-line article “Perspectives on Christian Community and Communal Living”
I would like to quote a section;
From a contemporary American perspective, this is a rather strange and unusual idea. Nowadays most of us tend to associate the word “commune” with left-wing political extremism or abusive and theologically misguided cultic groups. This perspective isn’t unreasonable. We all know that it has a pretty firm basis in fact. Nevertheless, the connection isn’t necessarily valid. We’d suggest that you won’t be able to think this question through clearly until you realize this. As a matter of fact, experiments in communal Christian living can be positive, beneficial, and God-honoring if they’re carried out in the right way. Everything depends on the people involved and their reasons for doing what they’re doing.
If you study history, you’ll discover that there has always been a strong impetus toward communal expressions of the Christian life within the orthodox church. This tradition has solid biblical roots. It goes all the way back to the early Christian community in Jerusalem (Acts 4:32-37). It has manifested itself again and again over the past twenty centuries in an almost endless variety of forms. It has found expression in everything from the primitive monastic communities of the ancient Desert Fathers to the early American Shakers to the present-day Hutterian Brethren. Catholic monks and nuns live in community. So do certain groups who are heavily involved in inner-city ministry, such as Sojourners and Harambee House, or outreach to the rural poor, such as Rev. John Perkins’s Mendenhall Ministries. In and of itself, the desire to create a strong, vital, and visible communal demonstration of what it means to live as brothers and sisters in Christ is a worthy goal.
In the full article they also give warning that it is hard to make Christian communities work. They warn that sometimes these turn ugly when strong leaders become controlling and repressive.
There is something beautiful and pristine about the Christian Community in the pages of scripture. “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ [n]doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” (Acts 2:42) They didn't have to worry. Their needs were met; “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and [o]sold their possessions and goods, and divided[p] them among all, as anyone had need.”(vs 44, 45) They were simple, were glad and grew in number; “So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added [q]to the church daily those who were being saved.” This is how it was in the begining.
We live in a high-stress culture where Canadians are frantically chasing the American dream. Liberal governments, through uncontrolled spending, have driven inflation and the cost of living through the ceiling. That high cost of living is most acutely felt over the cost of accommodation and housing. As our nation is being run off the cliff, it is becoming necessary for us to re-asses, to re-evaluate, to think outside of the box. The established way doesn't work anymore. Is there a better way? Although not mandated, its right there in our Bibles.
Could it be that we can escape the chaos around us and fulfill a more satisfying and more community orientated way of life, whose example is right before us in the Bible? Could it be that we could be free from the rat race and freed up for service at the same time? Could it be that the answer is in sharing?
From the humble Bruderhofs we learn That human life is sacred and to be respected, cherished, protected and celebrated. They welcome us into their community to all come and see another way of life. They respect and value individuals as “diverse reflections of God’s image.” and they “reject all attempts to make people uniform. Since all are of equal worth, all must be free to be themselves. The more originality there is among us, the more vibrant our fellowship will be.” they teach us that “everyone deserves the liberation of being known and loved. By living together in intentional community, we seek to deepen relationships with God and each other as we grow, serve, and live out the gospel.”
From the generous Christian communities of Europe and England we learn that loving one another is easier displayed in day-to-day, sacrificial, communal living than it is alone. We learn that missional, Christian community that exists for a purpose, can succeed. It can reach out to those on the margins and give them love and assistance. Christian communal living becomes like 24-7 church and can deepen us in our faith experience.
From the noble Jesus freaks we learn that we don't have to conform to this world but rather, can walk a higher road. It is possible to go against the current of this world's systems and survive and thrive. It is possible to live lives of peace, love and sharing. It is possible to live more like Jesus.
Shawn Stevens
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
The province of Alberta is known and loved by millions for its natural beauty. It's landscape is a rich variety of open plains, rugged mountains, forests and lakes. It is home to North America’s largest mountain range. Dinosaurs once roamed this province and have left their remains. Adventure-seekers from all over Canada flock to Alberta, especially to Banff and Jasper's spectacular national parks.
However, Alberta is known for more than just its natural beauty. There is something else about Alberta that stands out among Canadian provinces. Alberta screams freedom!
Alberta is known for its conservatism and its libertarian values. It is known for its rugged independence and its many historical stands against the policies of the Federal Liberal government in Ottawa. Alberta is the home of Rebel News. It is the home of the Freedom Convoy Truckers movement. It is the Canadian heartland for social conservatism and political conservatism.
Political conservatism is presently in power under the leadership of premier Mrs. Danielle Smith. Previous to her, Albertans remembered struggling under Covid rolling lock-downs, discrimination, segregation, and confinement, but now, Albertans have broken free.
Prior to being the leader of the United Conservatives and being premier of Alberta, Smith was a journalist and then the leader of the Wild Rose party. In October, 2022 she won the leadership race for the United Conservative Party and then became premier.
From the moment Smith stepped into the position of premier, the gloves have been off and she is leading a province-wide push-back against the Trudeau/Singh government, a push-back which is growing in its momentum.
This push-back has been most evident with the passing of the landmark legislation, “The Sovereignty Act.” This legislation was passed on December 8, 2022. This Act seeks to protect the common Albertan man, woman and child from Federal legislation that would harm, abuse, take advantage of, or exploit them. It purposes to especially protect them in areas such as natural resources, gun control, COVID-19, public health, education, and agriculture. It boldly directs "political entities"—which include municipalities, municipal police forces, school boards, and regional health authorities— to not enforce "federal rules deemed harmful to Alberta's interests."
How could such an Act nullify a Federal law? It is proposed that the Act would be triggered when a member of the executive council
tables a motion in the legislative assembly which would identify a specific federal law or policy that may be considered to be unconstitutional, that is, in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or if it was outside of the jurisdiction of the Federal government. The provincial legislative assembly would then vote on whether or not to expunge that Federal law. This is meant to reign in the Federal government and keep it from abusing its authority, exploiting common Albertans and to stop it from trying to govern in matters of provincial jurisdiction.
This bold legislation is truly historic. What is coming next?
Although she supported it, and brought it into law, the Sovereignty Act was not the idea of Danielle Smith. Where did the idea come from? It is apart of a larger strategy known as “Free Alberta Strategy” from the Alberta Institute. This organization is a liberty-loving political think-tank which seeks to advance freedom in Alberta and to protect Albertans from Federal overreach. It is important to acknowledge that Danielle Smith has not officially committed to implementing all of the Alberta Strategy, but she is very aware of it, is a friend of the Alberta Institute and has interviewed them before.
The Free Alberta Strategy is a multi-layered strategy that includes proposals such as:
1) Replacing Federal RCMP police forces with local police forces that are directly answerable to the provincial government.
2) Pass an Alberta independent Banking Act
3) Pass an Equalization And Termination And Tax Collection Act
4) Alberta Pension Plan and Alberta Unemployment Insurance
5) Pass an Alberta Judicial Independence Activities
6) Establish International Relations and Trade
Let's now consider these more closely in the words of Free Alberta Strategy.
1)Replacing Federal RCMP police forces with local police forces that are directly answerable to the provincial government.
The Province also has recognized authority28 over all policing in the province, though it has contracted, at this point in time, the federally-controlled RCMP to exercise this power in most of the Province’s rural and smaller communities. It is proposed that the Alberta government terminate its contract with the RCMP immediately and replace rural policing in the province with an Alberta provincial police force, accountable to the Solicitor General of Alberta. All municipal police forces (i.e., Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, etc.) already operate under provincial authority. This reform would ensure the Province controls all aspects of law enforcement against the person.
(Free Alberta Strategy)
2)Pass an Alberta Independent Banking Act
The Free Alberta Strategy proposes passage of the Alberta Independent Banking Act, which would include the following initiatives: 1. Expanding the number of provincially regulated financial institutions and credit unions; 2. Promoting private ownership of these new financial institutions; and 3. Mandating that all provincially regulated financial institutions and credit unions (including ATB) remain compliant with the Alberta Sovereignty Act as it relates to the non-enforcement of federal laws and court decisions deemed to infringe unduly on Alberta’s provincial jurisdiction.
(Free Alberta Strategy)
3)Pass an Equalization And Termination And Tax Collection Act
The Free Alberta Strategy proposes passage of the Equalization Termination and Tax Collection Act. This piece of legislation would: 1. Establish the “Alberta Revenue Agency” to collect all provincial taxes; 2. Create the Office of the Alberta Public Sector Employer (“APSE”), which would become the official payor of all Alberta public sector employees. There would be no changes [of] to any collective bargaining agreements, salaries, pensions, or other benefits for these workers as negotiated by their current provincially funded public employers. The only change would be that the APSE would become the provincial agency issuing their paycheck (much like a private corporation paying its staff through an independent payroll company). The APSE would then remit these withholdings to the Alberta Revenue Agency. 3. Permit any private corporation banking with ATB or other provincially regulated financial institution the option of transferring all federal source deductions collected from their employees directly to the Alberta Revenue Agency, instead of the CRA. 4. Mandate that instead of remitting all of the federal tax withholdings 27 collected from private companies and the APSE to the CRA, the Alberta Revenue Agency would instead transfer an amount equal to that of the equalization and federal transfers the federal Government collected from Alberta during that year to the Alberta Treasury and, any surplus remaining thereafter, to the CRA. 5. Opt Alberta out of all federal transfer and other programs that interfere and seek to influence policy in any areas of provincial jurisdiction (i.e., the Canada Health Act, Federal Heath Transfer, education transfers, national daycare program funding, etc.), and officially request the transfer of our population’s share of these federal programming dollars, either through an annual ‘no-strings-attached’ federal transfer amount (based strictly on a per-capita population basis) or, preferably, through the transfer of tax points from Albertans’ federal tax rate to Alberta’s provincial tax rate. If the federal government refuses Alberta’s request, the Alberta Treasury would, using the same method described in the previous paragraphs, increase the amount of federal tax withholdings it retains by those same amounts.
(Free Alberta Strategy)
4)Alberta Pension Plan and Alberta Unemployment Insurance
Over the past 10 years, Alberta’s hardworking and comparatively young population has contributed approximately $28 billion more into the CPP than Alberta pensioners have received back in benefits,41 which is an annual cost of nearly $3 billion. This inequity is a substantial portion of the roughly $20 billion in equalization formula and net federal transfers drained from the Province each year.42 There is absolutely no reason for Alberta’s continued participation in the CPP. ...
Properly planned and managed, opting out of the CPP in favour of an Alberta Pension Plan, and replacing EI with an Alberta Unemployment Insurance Plan, would result in a combination of higher benefits for our seniors and those facing unemployment, and lower contribution rates from the paychecks of Alberta workers, thereby benefiting Alberta families to the tune of hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars each year. These are long overdue reforms.
Pass an Alberta Judicial Independence Activities
(Free Alberta Strategy)
5)Pass an Alberta Judicial Independence Activities
The Alberta Judicial Independence Act, which would mandate as follows: 1. The Alberta government shall appoint all future judicial appointments serving in the Province of Alberta (Provincial, Queen’s Bench and Court of Appeal); 2. No future federal judicial appointees will be employed by the Province of Alberta at any court level. Current judges and justices would be ‘grandfathered’ and remain fully employed on the Bench thereby ensuring continuity and recognizing their historical respect for the constitutional rights of Alberta; and 3. The Province would establish a Provincial Tax Court to enforce all provincial tax collection and enforcement activities within the Province of Alberta free from any interference by federal tax courts and the CRA
(Free Alberta Strategy)
6) Establish International Relations and Trade
The Free Alberta Strategy calls on the Government of Alberta to fund and empower its Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs to: 1. Negotiate and implement mutually beneficial bilateral trade and market access arrangements with other provinces, states and 33 nations that result in Alberta gaining full access to all domestic and international markets, including to and through the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans; 2. Work closely with industry on ways to reduce risks associated with the construction of export pipelines and other market access projects; and 3. Work alongside the Government of Canada at any international negotiations of agreements that affect Alberta’s interests. Should the federal government sign on to an agreement that harms Alberta’s interests, Alberta’s Intergovernmental Affairs Minister must alert the Provincial Legislature, and request that it trigger use of the Alberta Sovereignty Act, thereby ensuring the Province will not recognize the validity of that agreement as it affects Alberta; and further, that Alberta will not enforce any federal law or regulation in the province related thereto.
(Free Alberta Strategy)
The above mentioned proposals were put together by legal experts and represent a path forward in Alberta's struggle to be free. Each will likely have to be defended at a supreme court level. However, they represent a path forward.
In the mean time, what has Danielle Smith committed to do?
Here is some of her platform:
-Defending Alberta’s rights under the Canadian constitution
-Accessing federal funding, without strings, to meet Albertan’s needs, values and priorities
-Pushing back against federal programs that create hardships for farmers and ranchers
-Developing stronger relationships with other provinces and territories for areas of cooperation and mutual economic prosperity
-Index all provincial tax brackets retroactive to 2022 resulting in larger rebates on taxes
-Provide an additional $200 per home in rebates on consumer electricity bills and limit spikes in winter electricity rates. Continue natural gas rebate program
-$600 over 6 months to parents for each child under 18 and to every senior (household incomes under $180,000)
-Suspend the provincial fuel tax for at least six month and make the fuel relief program permanent thereafter
-Creating conditions to grow industries, businesses, and job opportunities
-Enhancing trade infrastructure and agreements
-Reducing barriers to interprovincial trade for agriculture and food production
-Continued leadership in hydrogen and petrochemicals and development in helium, lithium, liquefied natural gas, geothermal energy, and minerals
-Developing strategies to address labour market gaps
-Taking action to improve health care delivery and health outcomes
-Improving EMS response times and cut emergency wait times
-Improving access to primary care and address staffing challenges, especially in rural areas
-Reducing wait times for surgeries
Taken from https://www.unitedconservative.ca/
There was a provincial election on May 29 in Alberta. Smith won it big! Alberta's potential is incredible. The floodgates of freedom and prosperity will open wide. If the NDP had won, the Sovereignty Act would have been repealed. Alberta screams freedom! Go Danielle Smith! It is time for reform.
Shawn Stevens
I and we at freedomandsocialorder.com accept no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that may occur as result of following any information found on this site or in this article. Do not consider information found here to be legal or medical advice from ourselves to yourself. Do not use information found here if you don't agree to these terms. We are not legal or medical authorities and do not propose to be viewed as such.
Shawn Stevens
In some parts of the world the drug Ivermectin has been used to treat Covid 19. Ivermectin is an “...inexpensive anti-parasitic drug that's been used to cure animals and people from worms and lice since the 1980s.” (https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/09/19/1038369557/ivermectin-anti-vaccine-movement-culture-wars) What has been Canada's response to Ivermectin? Ivermectin was authorized by Health Canada in 2018, for the treatment of parasitic worm infections, specifically intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis. However, Health Canada has not authorized its use for treating Covid The Canadian Minister of Health warns that; “There are serious risks associated with ivermectin interacting with other commonly used medications, such as blood-thinners, which raises concerns about whether it would be safe in a non-prescription setting without physician oversight of potential risks and complications.” (https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3588) However, the drug has been around for 40 years and has even won a Nobel Prize. Many countries, such as Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Bolivia, Portugal, South Africa and more have used it to treat Covid 19.
The following is a nation-wide petition initiated by Kanji Nakatsu and presented through Ontario Conservative MP Dean Allison, requesting the Federal government to; “examine the evidence in favour of ivermectin and consider making ivermectin available immediately to Canadians as a schedule II medication, obtained directly from a pharmacist.” It reads:
Petition to the Government of Canada
Early outpatient treatment utilizing multiple repurposed medications for COVID-19 have been demonstrated in numerous clinical trials to reduce hospitalization and death;
Vaccine efficacy declines over time, in part due to new variants, rendering all people susceptible to SARS CoV2 infection;
Accordingly, both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons with COVID-19 benefit from early treatment;
Ivermectin has been determined to be remarkably effective in prophylaxis (~86% fewer cases) and treatment (~68% fewer deaths) for COVID-19 by the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development panel;
Ivermectin has proven to be very safe, as one-third of the world’s population (~7,850,000,000) has taken ivermectin to prevent various parasite (worm) infections; only 16 deaths and 5663 adverse events reported through WHO/VigiAccess pharmacovigilance from 1992 to September 2021;
Several countries (many or all regions), including Bangladesh, Belize, Bulgaria, Egypt, India, Japan, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Slovakia, South Africa have made ivermectin readily available (often over-the-counter or free);
Ivermectin is already approved in Canada for anti-parasitic use and is now generic and inexpensive;
Ivermectin is a candidate to provide protection and prevention against COVID-19;
Many Canadians are taking veterinary ivermectin with risks to their health as reported by Health Canada; and
Schedule II medications provide additional safety through advice from a pharmacist.
We, the undersigned, physicians, scientists, and other concerned residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to urgently examine the evidence in favour of ivermectin and consider making ivermectin available immediately to Canadians as a schedule II medication, obtained directly from a pharmacist.
Hydroxychloroquine is another drug that has been used to treat Covid 19. This is because a clinical trial in France found that it was useful in treating Covid. The trial concluded:
“Despite its small sample size, our survey shows that hydroxychloroquine treatment is significantly associated with viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients and its effect is reinforced by azithromycin.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7102549/)
In Canada Hydroxychloroquine is a prescription medication. Your doctor has to agree before you can order it. The Canadian government warns that it has side effects, most notably, it can; “... potentially cause liver or kidney problems, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and nervous system problems...” (https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/chloroquine-and-hydroxychloroquine-can-have-serious-side-effects-these-drugs-should-be)
Hydroxychloroquine is an anti-malaria medication that people have been using for a long time. It was authorized for use in The United States in 1955.
The following countries openly promote Hydroxychloroquine for treating Covid; Brazil, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Jordan, Romania, Portugal, Kenya, Senegal, Chad and the Republic of Congo. It was widely used in the United States to treat Covid. The FDA initially authorized Hydroxychloroquine for emergency use in treating Covid, but then revoked this authorization.
How does the public feel about drugs like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine? According to a study published in the National Library Of Medicine, concerning the sale of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Canada and The United States during Covid; “We observed increased outpatient purchases in two purported treatments in the U.S. and Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10132323/#R10)
In other words, more Canadians chose to use these two drugs during the pandemic than chose to use it previously.
According to a study reported on by CTV News, one in twenty persons in The United States who contracted Covid, used treatments like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to treat their condition. The study also showed that males, people with a college degree, people with greater income and Hispanic people were more inclined to use Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, whereas people 65 years and older were not as likely to use these treatments. (https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/1-in-20-americans-used-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine-to-treat-covid-19-study-finds-1.6584378)
The above study speaks volumes about the levels of mistrust Canadians have in what our governments have told us about these treatments and about how we should handle Covid 19. Older Canadians are more accepting of what their government has told them, while younger Canadians are much more skeptical.
Remdesivir, also known as Veklury, is the very expensive ($2500) drug used widely by our hospitals for treating Covid 19. The government of Canada says the following; “The active substance of VEKLURY is remdesivir. It is an antiviral medicine for treating coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)” (https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/info/veklury-en.html) During the pandemic, nation-wide, countless hospital patients were administered Remdesivir to treat their Covid infections. Is this drug safe? Consider its side effects.
In the following article, Hepatic manifestations of COVID-19 and effect of Remdesivir on liver function in patients with COVID-19 illness, published in The National Library Of Medicine, we are told; “On a cellular level, remdesivir has been demonstrated to be toxic to human hepatocytes, and the FDA has cautioned about the incidence of elevated liver enzymes in patients treated with remdesivir, indicating potential drug-induced liver injury.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8224190/) However, on the Canadian government website we are assured; “VEKLURY will be stopped if your kidney or liver show signs of damage during treatment.” (https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/info/veklury-en.html) Reader, do you find that assuring?
Covid vaccines are not considered to be a treatment of those with Covid, but rather we are told that they are a preventative measure from getting Covid, or at least reducing its negative effects. The Canadian Government, on their webpage titled Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Canada (https://health-infobase.canada.ca/covid-19/vaccine-safety/#specialInterest) lists the following
count “of reported adverse events of special interest by vaccine type ( ) up to and including January 5, 2024 (n=6,781)” it reads;
AESI Category |
Total number of events |
Auto-immune diseases |
Guillain-Barré Syndrome1 |
24 |
Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelets)1 |
204 |
Subtotal |
228 |
Cardiovascular system |
Cardiac arrest |
63 |
Cardiac failure |
106 |
Myocardial infarction (heart attack) |
160 |
Myocarditis/Pericarditis1 (inflammation of the heart muscle and lining around the heart) |
1,231 |
Subtotal |
1,560 |
Circulatory system |
Cerebral venous (sinus) thrombosis |
35 |
Cerebral thrombosis |
19 |
Cutaneous vasculitis |
53 |
Deep vein thrombosis |
411 |
Embolism |
24 |
Haemorrhage (bleeding) |
323 |
Pulmonary embolism |
589 |
Thrombosis (blood clot) |
380 |
Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (blood clot with low platelets)1 |
89 |
Subtotal |
1,923 |
Hepato-gastrointestinal and renal system |
Acute kidney injury |
82 |
Glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation) and nephrotic syndrome (kidney disorder) |
27 |
Liver injury |
40 |
Subtotal |
149 |
Nerves and central nervous system |
Bell's Palsy1/facial paralysis |
216 |
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke – includes ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes) |
306 |
Transverse myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord)1 |
24 |
Subtotal |
546 |
Other system |
Anaphylaxis1 |
777 |
COVID-192 |
1,360 |
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome1 |
24 |
Subtotal |
2,161 |
Pregnancy outcomes3 |
Fetal growth restriction |
5 |
Spontaneous abortion |
96 |
Subtotal |
101 |
Respiratory system |
Acute respiratory distress syndrome |
11 |
Subtotal |
11 |
Skin and mucous membrane, bone and joints system |
Chilblains |
35 |
Erythema multiforme (immune skin reaction) |
67 |
Subtotal |
102 |
All AESI categories |
Total |
6,781 |
The above information is simply what has been reported to them. They have collected this information and made it available.
Concerning reported deaths following Covid vaccination, they say; “Up to and including January 5, 2024, a total of 488 reports with an outcome of death were reported following vaccination. Although these deaths occurred after being vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine, they are not necessarily related to the vaccine.” (https://health-infobase.canada.ca/Covid-19/vaccine-safety/#specialInterest)
I do not wish to comment on the above information further because I have already commented on it in my articles “ARE YOU GETTING A COVID 19 VACCINE?” (http://freedomandsocialorder.com/index.php/issues/strong-society/are-you-getting-covid-vaccine/) and ARE COVID VACCINES SAFE? (http://freedomandsocialorder.com/index.php/issues/education/vancouver-school-board-crushing-homophobia-iron-fist/) I invite you to click on these links and read them.
However, I would like to comment on one vaccine, Astrazeneca.
According to the Canadian government website; “The AstraZeneca Vaxzevria® COVID-19 vaccine was authorized for use in Canada under the Food and Drug Regulations and cancelled on December 19th, 2023.” (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/covid19-industry/drugs-vaccines-treatments/vaccines/astrazeneca.html) It was at one time authorized in our land, why was is cancelled?
A medical Journal article published in The National Library Of Medicine, titled Relationship between blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines: A literature review, states;
“AstraZeneca. It also has been the most controversial COVID-19 vaccine due to the diverse reports of thrombosis following its administration [50]. “ (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9055170/)
What is Thrombosis? John Hopkins Medicine defines it; “Thrombosis occurs when blood clots block your blood vessels.” (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/thrombosis#:~:text=Thrombosis%20occurs%20when%20blood%20clots%20block%20veins%20or%20arteries.,a%20stroke%20or%20heart%20attack.)
The same article quoted above, Relationship between blood clots and COVID-19 vaccines: A literature review, explains the relationship between AstraZeneca and Thrombosis;
“AstraZeneca creates thrombocytopenia and thrombosis in rare cases, such as the cerebral venous sinus or thrombosis in the portal, splanchnic, or hepatic veins. In healthy people, these symptoms appear 5–24 days after the first injection.” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9055170/)
While Canada was distributing AstraZeneca to its citizens, countries around the world were banning it. The article, Did the European suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine decrease vaccine acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic?, published in The National Library Of Medicine reports;
“Within a week of March 2021, a number of countries officially announced that they were temporarily suspending the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine against COVID-19 after concerns about potential side effects in the form of blood clots. Austria was the first country to raise such concerns. On March 7, Austria announced that they would suspend a single batch of the vaccine. On March 11, Denmark, Norway and Iceland announced that they suspended the vaccine entirely until they had more evidence on its potential side effects. In the following days, a number of countries took the same decision. These suspensions created headlines worldwide [11].” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8693776/)
The timeline for Canada's AstraZeneca history goes like this:
February 26, 2021
The AstraZeneca Vaxzevria and COVISHIELD vaccines were approved by Health Canada.
March of 2021
Canada suspended AstraZeneca vaccines for those under 55 years of age.
March of 2021
Countries around the world began suspending the distribution of AstraZeneca.
May of 2021
Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador announce that they will stop using AstraZeneca.
July of 2021
Canada announces that it intends to give away
18 million doses of AstraZeneca to low and middle income countries.
December 19th, 2023
AstraZeneca was officially cancelled for use in Canada.
Was Canada successful in giving away its supply of AstraZeneca. No. It was challenging to find other countries who wanted it. The BMJ reports;
“Canada is in the process of destroying 13.6 million expired doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, more than half of all the doses it has ever bought, because it was unable to find foreign countries willing to take the vaccines, despite pledging to donate them.” (https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o1700)
What are we to make of all this information? All over the internet Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine solutions to Covid are slammed as misinformation, as our governments and regulators are driving that narrative. However, many Canadians, especially younger Canadians, are skeptical that they are being fed the truth from their government. Similarly Remdesivir is praised all over the internet, because, again our government says so. They tell us not to worry, “VEKLURY will be stopped if your kidney or liver show signs of damage during treatment.” However, many Canadians don't trust the claim. Canadians are concerned about the reported side effects to our Covid vaccines such as Cardiac arrest, Cardiac failure, Myocarditis/Pericarditis, Acute kidney injury, Liver injury, Fetal growth restriction, Spontaneous abortion and death. We don't want our blood to clot either.
When Canadians see our government making colossal errors in judgment, we want to make judgments for ourselves, for our own health. We are tired of government deciding for us what is best for us and then getting it wrong. We are tired of being handed one side of the story, while other countries all over the world are benefiting from the other side of the story. The purpose of this article is not to give advice, one way or the other, on any of the above mentioned medications. Instead, the purpose is to give voice to what multitudes of Canadians are feeling, that is, that we don't want or need the government to decide what is best for us. We live in an educated society and tools like the internet greatly enable us to research things out for ourselves. Having done so, we want to decide for ourselves, who it is that we trust and what treatments we will receive or reject. We are tired of government deciding for us what is best for us and then getting it wrong. Things must change.
Shawn Stevens
I and we at freedomandsocialorder.com accept no responsibility or liability for any harms or losses that may occur as result of following any information found on this site. Do not consider information found here to be legal or medical advice from ourselves to yourself. Do not use information found here if you don't agree to these terms. We are not legal or medical authorities and do not propose to be viewed as such.
Shawn Stevens
Florida's state surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo has dropped a bombshell. He is the highest medical authority in the State of Florida and under his authority, residents of Florida have been warned not to take the Covid 19 vaccines. Why? Because his research has uncovered something very concerning.
On December 6, 2023, State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, sent a letter to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to alert them that there are billions of DNA fragments per dose within the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. He is concerned that these DNA fragments constitute contaminants. He is concerned that Lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines may become a vehicle for delivering contaminant DNA into human cells. He then references a FDA document Guidance for Industry: Considerations for Plasmid DNA Vaccines for Infectious Disease Indications (Guidance for Industry), which warns that the use of novel methods of delivery regarding DNA integration could result in the following:
DNA integration could theoretically impact a human’s oncogenes – the genes which can transform a healthy cell into a cancerous cell.
DNA integration may result in chromosomal instability.
The Guidance for Industry discusses biodistribution of DNA vaccines and how such integration could affect unintended parts of the body including blood, heart, brain, liver, kidney, bone marrow, ovaries/testes, lung, draining lymph nodes, spleen, the site of administration and subcutis at injection site.
The risk of this is a serious matter and the government of Florida is saying that “The FDA has provided no evidence that these risks have been assessed to ensure safety.” ((https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2024/01/20240103-halt-use-covid19-mrna-vaccines.pr.html)) Dr. Ladapo's official statement reads;
“The FDA’s response does not provide data or evidence that the DNA integration assessments they recommended themselves have been performed. Instead, they pointed to genotoxicity studies – which are inadequate assessments for DNA integration risk. In addition, they obfuscated the difference between the SV40 promoter/enhancer and SV40 proteins, two elements that are distinct.
DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.
Providers concerned about patient health risks associated with COVID-19 should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment. It is my hope that, in regard to COVID-19, the FDA will one day seriously consider its regulatory responsibility to protect human health, including the integrity of the human genome.”
What has been the media response to Dr.Ladapo's concern? Report after report is dismissing his concern. The guardian says that his assertion has been “...dismissed as 'scientific nonsense' by health experts,...” (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/04/florida-surgeon-general-covid-vaccine-misinformation-joseph-ladapo) The New York times says that his science is based on “Misinformation.” (https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/03/health/covid-vaccines-florida.html) The Washington Post says that his claim has been “...roundly debunked by public health experts, federal officials and the vaccine companies.” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/01/03/florida-surgeon-general-ladapo-covid-vaccine/)
It is interesting that one of the authorities that the Washington post lists against Dr.Ladapo's claims is “ the vaccine companies.” Do you think that after selling and administering 13.53 billion doses of the vaccine globally that these companies would now say, “You've got a good point Dr.Ladapo, perhaps we should not have rolled out the vaccine after all.”?
In fact Dr. Ladapo's “claim: and “assertion” is actually more of a request than an assertion. He has uncovered concerning data and is requesting that the FDA look into this seriously.
He expresses sincere concern that; “It is my hope that, in regard to COVID-19, the FDA will one day seriously consider its regulatory responsibility to protect human health, including the integrity of the human genome.”
Instead of carefully weighing the need to get to the bottom of this important issue, certain media is dismissing Dr. Ladapo's concern. They are trying to make him appear unreasonable. Meanwhile, he has a Phd. from Harvard University and he is the highest medical authority in Florida.
If the Surgeon General's concerns are questionable, then at least still search it out and explore the possibility of what he is concerned about. Do this, but don't try to discredit someone who is a professional and could be a whistle-blower. Do you want the truth to come out? Now all of Florida knows. Florida knows that the Covid vaccines are full of DNA fragments, which may be contaminants and may possibly affect cancer forming genes. Why is this not more widely known? Is it because of the damage that this could do to the political left? How large of a mistake was mandating the vaccines?
I have searched online for a response from the Canadian government to this information and cannot find a word of reaction. Let me know if you are aware of an official response.
Why is the Surgeon General's comments not front page news all over this country? If Covid vaccines might be linked to cancer, is that a news-worthy piece of information? Is that something that the public might be interested in knowing?
Shawn Stevens