Liberalism, Secret Societies, And The New World Order

Liberalism, Secret Societies, And The New World Order

If you were raised in a Christian home then you have probably been taught from as far back as you can remember that one day in the future there will be a one-world government that is ruled by an individual called the anti-Christ. Both the anti-Christ and his government are ruled by Satan and are totally, utterly evil. This government will persecute Christians and will eventually be destroyed by Jesus Christ Himself in one awesome world event where Jesus Christ descends from heaven and battles a unified force of the armies of the world.

I believe that all of this is true. That is because the Bible seems to foretell that it will. What is this evil one-world government? Where did it come from? Will it just pop out of nowhere or does it have a history? Many readers will be shocked to learn that it does have a long history, that it has been in formation for centuries, that it has an ideology and that it is in partial existence today, waiting for the right moment to fulfill all of what the Biblical prophecies say will happen concerning it.

The purpose of this piece of writing is to expose this New World Order, to show its history, and to warn all who would hear me not to participate or vote into power this political system in its pre-New World Order form. My piece of writing is only intended to be a summary of a very large topic. I am trying to tie together the most important details. Before I dig into this history I need to lay a Biblical foundation for the New World Order.

What does the Bible actually say about the end times one-world government? It must be said upfront that Biblical verses that discuss the end times require much interpretation. Most verses on the topic of end times are found in the book of Revelation and the book of Daniel, although there are many other places in Scripture where we have shorter statements on this topic. Revelation, Daniel and Jesus Christ's discourse in Matthew, chapter 24, is where we get the longer discourses. I want to stress that any interpretation of these passages is just that, an interpretation. These passages are apocalyptic prophetical writings that involve a great deal of symbolism. Symbolism means interpretation must be employed. Interpretation means that there is always room for error. This should cause any student of the Bible to humble himself and handle a topic like this with as open a mind as possible as he or she carefully looks at what is told to us in the Biblical account.

Where do we get the idea of a one-world order from? The book of Revelation tells of a great war in the spiritual realm of heaven that resulted in the Devil, who it also calls the dragon, and his demons being cast out of heaven and down to earth. This is found in chapter 12 and then goes on to tell us of a great struggle between the Devil's forces and the people of God who are on earth. In chapter 13, it tells us of a beast with seven heads and ten horns and ten crowns rising up out of the sea. The dragon gives power and authority to this beast. This beast is commonly interpreted to be a one-world government, with the crowns seeming to suggest ruling authority. We are further told that the beast wars against the saints (Christians) and that “ ... authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him.” (Revelation 13:7). This again seems to support the idea of a one-world government. The chapter continues to tell us of another beast who comes on the scene. This second beast causes people to worship the first beast and causes people to receive an identifying mark, without which no one will be able to buy or sell. The identity of these beasts is something theologians discuss in much detail. Some see the first beast as referring to both the one- world government and the individual who runs it, the anti-Christ. The second beast is typically interpreted to be the false prophet. In any case they are all in league with each other, the one-world government, the anti-Christ and the false prophet. They persecute Christians and if you don't accept their mark you can't participate in their economy. We read in chapter 20 that Christians who resist are beheaded but later are rewarded greatly by God for their martyrdom. When Jesus comes back to battle and defeat the armies of the world, He casts the beast and the false prophet into the lake of fire ( See chapter 19). Between chapters 12 and twenty there are many more events. There is a great tribulation period in which God pours out judgements on the earth. There is also a hideous female figure called “...  “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.'” (Revelation 17:5). She is obviously not an individual person but, rather, a personification of something larger. She is called a “city” in verse 18. This city is in some way working in league with the beast. All of these evil forces are eventually destroyed by Christ.

So this is our foundation for an understanding of the New World Order. There are other scriptures that you could look up for a deeper study but this is it in a condensed nutshell. For more information you can read Matthew 24, the full account of Revelation chapters 12-21, Luke 21, Mark 13,
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 , 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and the book of Daniel.   There will be a one-world government that is ruled by an individual called the anti-Christ. Both the anti-Christ and his government are ruled by Satan and are totally, utterly evil. This government will persecute and kill Christians and will eventually be destroyed by Jesus Christ Himself in one awesome world event where Jesus Christ descends from heaven and battles a unified force of the armies of the world.

So is a New World Order something that just appears out of thin air? Will it shock you when it just pops out of nothing? No, certainly not. It has been in formation state for centuries. If it does surprise you it means that you were deceived into not seeing what was right in front of your eyes all along.

Let's cut to the chase and say that at many major junctures of Western history, if you look into it, there are Freemasons busy and at work trying to influence those events. Masons are there in politics. They are there in finance. They are there in philosophy. They are there in construction. They are there in Western society, seemingly at every level. Who are the Freemasons and what is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is a secret society that initiates men into a system of levels of organization by which they practice various occultist rituals and practices. They claim to be non-religious, which is an utterly false claim. They claim to be about improving people's moral and spiritual outlook and broadening their minds. However, this is the perception that they would like outsiders to have of them while they are highly secretive regarding their core beliefs, revealing them little by little to initiates who progress through their system.

How far back do they go in history and where does their influence show itself in Western society? This is not an easy question to answer. The most significant starting date for Masonry could perhaps be pinned to 1716 when a group of British nobles met at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House to establish the Grand Lodge of London. However many Masons would baulk at this and say that Masonry traces back throughout the middle ages, dark ages, and even the ancient world. Some would point out that Old Testament kings such as David and Solomon had stonemasons employed, building for them.

Now the idea that Masonry somehow stretches back to the days of King David and King Solomon is quite an exaggeration of things. We must note that the English word for ”Masonry” has two meanings. There are masons who are stone cutters and stone crafters and this trade has been around since ancient times. Then there is the cult of Masonry which is a philosophical-religious-occultic organization. These are two separate things and you can be one type of mason without being the other. Free-masons would like to blur this line, to expand their reach into history. However, it should be acknowledged that there have been many Freemasons who were also stonemasons and occultists who were also stonemasons. This is one reason why there is much spiritually dark symbolism inscribed in ancient medieval gothic stonework and architecture.

Also, there have been many secret societies throughout medieval times, the dark ages and beyond. If I understand correctly, Masonry has led initiates to believe that these secret societies were connected in an organized way and that Freemasonry stretches back throughout the ancient world and that all of these things can be claimed as Masonic history.

I am somewhat skeptical of this idea. Yes, the ancient world was filled with secret societies and religious orders from the Hospitallers to the Knights Templar and others. The secret nature of secret orders was largely due to the brutality and the severity of the times. These were the days of inquisition when people were burned at the stake and endured horrific torture for being out of step with the Papistry. Consequently some religious orders within the Catholic Church became secretive in their personal beliefs in order to protect themselves. There are countless secret societies and religious orders throughout medieval times, so much so that it is impossible to summarize all of this information. Did these societies each borrow something from the societies that came before them? Well, they likely did borrow some ideas from those who came before, however, if Masons are claiming that there was an unbroken succession of belief and an actual discipleship of one group to the next, I think that that would be a bit unrealistic.

So lets start with the year 1716 when a group of British nobles met at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House to establish the Grand Lodge of London. Who were these nobleman and what did they believe? They included Anthony Sayer, John Theophilus Desaquliers, George Payne and others. These men were educated and highly philosophical. They also had a curious interest in those portions of the Bible that dealt with the construction of Solomon's temple.
Students of the Bible know that there are portions of Scripture, such as 1 Kings, chapter 6, and others, that discuss the building of Solomon's temple and that go into great detail on the measurements, angles, etc of this temple. Most of us skip over this specific detail, not being interested in measurements. However, this group of noblemen had a fascination in these measurements, believing them to hide some specific mathematical secrets to unlocking the universe. Some of their views paralleled gnostic thought. They believed that they were enlightened ones, emissaries of divine light who were discovering the hidden secrets of the Divine Being through this strange mix of philosophy, geometry, Biblical numbers and Newtonian mathematics.

These nobles were a part of the upper-crust of British society and they would spread their belief through the highest institutes of higher learning and through the political systems of their day. Oxford University would be a major centre as would other universities. Masonry spread from England to Europe to North America.

As Masonry spread through Europe it came to France. In France it co-mingled with a new movement that was bursting onto the world scene. Liberalism had come into existence and was about to fuel the biggest revolution France had ever seen. The ten year period of 1789 to 1799 saw the French Revolution, a philosophical-political movement that would assert itself and take over a nation.

Where did the French Revolution and this new Liberalism come from? It stretched back to the eighteenth century to the period that secular historians refer to as the Enlightenment.

The philosophers of the Enlightenment period embraced humanism and prided themselves in the belief that they were advancing reason over speculation. Philosophers wrote plays, novels, histories, philosophical writings, dictionaries and encyclopedias. Their writings were filled with satire and criticism and became very popular. The philosophers were also very political.  Enlightenment thought stressed reason, nature, happiness, progress, and liberty. It was thoroughly humanistic and secular in its thinking. It was hostile towards Christianity. There was a concentration of philosophers in the nation of France and France was considered the hotbed and heartland of Enlightenment philosophy.

The Enlightenment in France coincided with revolutionary changes within the country. Hard economic times had hit, partly as a result of a series of bad harvests and also as a result of being at war, on and off, with Britain and other nations for over one hundred years. French public debt was also high compared to England's. Unemployment was widespread. The monarchy even felt the pinch and King Louis XV, instead of showing flexibility, began taking hard stands and abusing his power. He exiled the entire Parliament de Paris in 1771 and tried to establish new law courts which he would be more likely able to control. There was a huge reaction against this and he was forced to restore the parliament. Many felt that they could not meet the taxation demands that were being made upon them and objected to the noble families, at the same time, being exempt from most taxes. King Louis XVI was still in his twenties when he came to power and he didn't alleviate the tax burden of the common people.

A groundswell of support for revolution was breeding in France. A political body known as the Assembly of Notables began calling for the king to convene the Estates General. The Estates General was a general assembly made up of representatives of the nobility, the Church and the common people. The king did not want to but, when riots started breaking out, he conceded. The portion of the Estates General who represented the common people voted themselves, to forming the National Assembly and claimed sovereignty and authority equal to, or above, the king. The king rejected their decision. Riots ensued. When the king saw that he was losing this struggle for power he attempted to flee the country but was caught. The French Revolution was not only an expression of the poor trying to obtain a better life but was deeply connected with the Enlightenment philosophies which were profoundly humanistic, man-centred and opposed to Christianity. It also was an expression of a liberalism. The liberal writings of philosophers, such as Thomas Paine (1737-1809), contributed greatly to the revolution's rejection of monarchical rule and also to the rejection of Christianity.

The revolution came in waves and a second revolution broke out and this time victorious revolutionaries declared the first French Republic. The republic was ruled by a National Convention which became comprised of two main groups, the Girondins and the Jacobins. The Jacobins were the larger of the two groups and, by far, the most radical. What happened to France's king? On January 17, 1793, the National Convention condemned him to death. On January 21st of that year, Louis XVI was guillotined.

The Jacobins implemented a rule of terror throughout France. They set up courts which would prosecute anyone, and everyone, who was thought to be against the revolution. Laws were implemented to reduce the rights of the accused. Between 11,000 and 18,000 Frenchmen were condemned and guillotined. About 300,000 were imprisoned for some time during the Terror. Were all those who were imprisoned or guillotined really conspirators against the revolution? Most certainly were not. The leadership of the revolution was extremely insecure and they masked their insecurity with ruthless zeal by spreading the terror. People from every walk of life could be called for interrogation, even on the basis of the weakest suspicions of disloyalty. If such persons could not prove their innocence and their support of the revolution to their inquirers, they were swiftly condemned and dragged out before the bloodthirsty mobs who cheered as they were guillotined. Nobles and clergy were disproportionately targeted by the Terror and represented 15% of those killed.

The liberal revolutionaries enacted a campaign of secularism in France. Secularism is the removing of religious expression and influence from society. This secularization in France involved closing down churches and removing crosses from public places. These efforts were not, ultimately, successful in stamping Christianity out of France. At an earlier stage of the revolution, large amounts of Church lands were confiscated and sold at auctions.

Why did French liberals turn against Christian faith? They feared Christian faith, perhaps more than any other influence.
The French Revolution is historic for many reasons. One reason for its political and historical significance is its role in the establishing of right-wing and left-wing politics. The terms “left” and “right” for politics, commonly used today, were first coined during the French Revolution. This was because of the seating arrangement of the Estates General. Within the Estates General, those who sat on the left more often supported the radical changes of the revolution. Those who sat on the right were more reserved. The revolution itself was an expression of liberalism.

Liberalism rose directly out of the Enlightenment period and was not based on a Christian world-view of God and man, which saw man as a fallen creature needing redemption but, rather, was based on the humanist view which considered man to be basically good-natured. Liberals traced the world's problems, not to man's fallen nature but, rather, to the oppression of controlling monarchs. The two main ideas within liberalism at this time were, firstly, the replacement of monarchies with a more representative form of government and, secondly, the secularization of society. Liberals believed that monarchs were suppressing the people and were not giving them the freedom that they deserved to shape and rule their own society. Peaceful attempts to influence monarchs to relinquish their hold on power had not achieved the kind of results that liberals were seeking. Consequently, many, perhaps, were willing to advocate and participate in violent revolution.

The second principle of liberalism was the secularization of society. Liberals had a tremendous hatred for Christianity and for ecclesiastical authority.

What happened to the French Revolution and how did it end? The revolution became more and more radical. The most notorious leader within it was Maximilian Robespierre. This cold and insanely bloodthirsty leader was a driving force in the increasing radicalization of the revolution. The leadership of the revolution began even turning upon itself. Girondins were being arrested and tried as traitors. To try to curb the assassination frenzy, Robespierre himself was made to stand before the tribunal. He was condemned and guillotined in July of 1794. In the final stages of the revolution, moderate Jacobins gained control and established a new government which they called the Directory. The Directory continued for a time, only to be overthrown by a rising star within the French military. His name was Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon established a government called the Consulat. However, within the Consulat, full executive authority was given to Napoleon himself.

The French Revolution may have ended with Napoleon but Liberalism would cary on without it. While liberalism exploded onto the world scene in France through the French revolution, it began spreading throughout the world in a big way through institutes of higher learning throughout England, Europe and the New World. The existence of the British Empire, which spanned the globe, meant that liberalism also would span the globe.

What is little talked about is the platform that Masonry gave to the spread of liberalism. Masonic lodges that had now spread throughout the world, opened their facilities up to talks on political liberalism. I know that Masons argue adamantly that they are not political and not religious, but if you look into history this claim does not stand up. Speaking of the Age of Enlightenment Wikipedia records “Philosophers and scientists of the period widely circulated their ideas through meetings at scientific academies, Masonic lodges, literary salons, coffeehouses and in printed books, journals, and pamphlets.”(

Masonry from its earliest days emphasized diversity. It began portraying itself as a belief system where Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and others could come together and merge their beliefs into Masonry. It loved Enlightenment philosophy. At the same time it argued that it was non-political and non-religious. It was a melting pot of religious, philosophical and occult beliefs shrouded in secrecy and ritual. Anyone who was a part of higher education and the political world found entry into Masonry was easily available being built into those systems.

The aspect of diversity and pluralism within Masonry lent itself to a more globalistic universalistic outlook of the world. The impetus for more and more global connection would be driven by the motive of economic conquest. Remember, many of the world's political and financial elite were Masons.

Who were some of these elite? In the nineteenth century the richest family on earth was the Rothchild family. In 1815, they were the principal shareholders of the Bank of England, the most powerful lending bank in the world. They also became the principal shareholders of the First National Bank of The United States. The emerging American financial elite including the Vanderbuilts, the Morgans and the Rockerfellers had deep ties to the Rothchilds who leant them capital. In partnership with other banking elites, a system of banking and finance emerged that amassed a staggering amount of wealth. Key to this amassing of wealth was the developing of infrastructure, business and banking structures around the world.


Several twentieth century organizations are often pointed out for being think-tanks of the political and financial elite. These organizations that I am referring to are the Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs), the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. Financial superstructures for the world's financial elite include the Bank of International Settlements and the World Bank. Many of the financial and political elite of the world today operate through these organizations.

There is another piece to this puzzle. The League of nations was founded after World War One with U.S. president Woodrow Wilson recognized as its chief architect. It was founded in January of 1920, we are told, for the purpose of promoting world peace. It promoted globalism very effectively. However, it did not deliver on its proclaimed purpose of world peace as the world headed into World War Two. After the Second World War this organization was replaced with a new organization, The United Nations again for the proclaimed purpose of world peace. The United Nations picked up where the league left off, advancing globalism.

The philosophy and the wealth multiplication of globalist elite organizations were inseparably linked. The wealth of the world was to be amassed through a system of global investment banking, by which a banking lender elite collected interest on debt that borrower nations could never hope to ever pay off being enslaved in debt bondage to their lenders. A policy of aggressive globalism, if not stopped, will one day in our future result in all of the nations of the world being in debt to this lending elite.

Globalism, although financial in its motivation would be promoted as friendly liberal diversity and multicultural partnership.

Global elites set out to advance their objectives through the establishment of universities, acquisition of newspapers, and even new programs like Rhodes scholarships which would fund some of the education of educational elites for the highest levels of society. This was said to “...promote international understanding and peace.” (

The acquisition of newspapers was key to the promoting of their objectives. There is a very disturbing entry in the United States Congressional record dated February 9, 1917. It was entered by U.S. congressman Oscar Callaway and reads;
“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States. These 12 men worked the problem out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers... This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served.”

Here we read of the efforts of the American elite buying up control of key news outlets to control the dissemination of news information among the population of America. These are the same liberal forces putting into place the necessary controls to influence the masses of their objectives.

Earlier I mentioned the organization, the Council on Foreign Relations. Many people are unaware that among membership in this organization are many well known news anchors, journalists and media elite. The organization itself has major influence in public media. Wikipedia calls it a “ nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S.foreign policy and international affairs.”(  Its membership, numbered around 4,900, has included politicians at the highest levels of government, over a dozen secretaries of state, CIAdirectors, lawyers, bankers, professors, and senior media figures.

By influencing media and even controlling the flow of information, powerful globalist organizations have succeeded in influencing the perceptions of perhaps millions. These influences are for the purpose of promoting their financial and political objectives. The leading media outlets are sometimes called the liberal media. This is because there is an undeniable leftward leaning bias to most of the mainstream media. Some might ask, haven't these globalist elite used both sides of the political spectrum to promote their agenda? Yes, I would concur that they have. However as things evolve and digress, the political left is fitting like a hand in the glove into the objectives of the globalist elite and into the objectives of a New World Order in a much greater way than is the political right. What are those things on the left that conveniently benefit this evolving New World Order? Firstly, an uncontested commitment to globalism. Secondly, liberalism which is humanistic and secular and resists and seeks to restrict expressions of Christian faith. Thirdly, the restricting of civil liberties such as freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom to own firearms. All of these positions empower government over individuals. While many conservatives have also been globalistic and liberalistic themselves, conservatives who hold to a Tea Party interpretation of political conservationism reject these things. 

Secret societies whose Masonic origins run back through history to almost untraceable beginnings have come together it would seem, to drive public policy for their own purposes. These societies have found and created a belief system that is globalistic and have promoted it through the media and through the political and educational systems of our world. The United Nations has become the most powerful globalist organization in the world. It not only promotes globalist messages and information to every country in the world, it has real power. It has a world court set up for judging international matters. It directs 90,000 military personnel who are supplied by member states.

With the passing of time we see the setting up of a New World Order that seems to fit more and more like a hand in a glove, what the Bible seems to describe. That is a Global government that is evil in origin, evil in proclamation, evil in practice. A global government that is hostile towards Christians and actively persecutes them. A global government that seeks to secularize society. A global government in its Liberal and Democrat forms that is secular. A global government that opposes everything that threatens its money-making objectives of debt bondage through globalism.
A New World Order built on the centralizing of the world's wealth in the hands of a privileged few who rule over the masses. A New World Order and global government that also controls what the masses are told, what they learn and what they are informed of. A New world Order that has convinced the masses that their political purpose is just friendly global partnership, peace and diversity. A New World Order that was right in front of our eyes all along.

Jesus Christ will personally destroy such a New World Order one day. In the mean time we, His followers, will speak out, resist and endure to the end.

Shawn Stevens


The Congressional Record, February 9, 1917, Vol. 54, pp. 2947-48.
Rodney Howard Brown and Paul L. Williams. The Killing of Uncle Sam. River Publishing, 2018.
John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, et al., A History of Western Society, 7th ed., 607-608.
Francis A. Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, 121.
John Merriman, A History of Modern Europe, Vol. 2 (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1996), 495-535.
Francis A. Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live? The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, 26.
“Left-Wing Politics”
Cecil Rhodes, "Confession of Faith" (1877) John E. Flint, Cecil Rhodes (Boston: Little Brown, 1974), pp. 248-52.

"Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®(NASB),
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,
1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Used by permission."