The Society For The Promotion Of Freedom and Social Order is pro-life and defends the sanctity of human life in all of its stages including the pre-birth stage of a human child. We maintain that human life comes into being at fertilization. Abortion is the intentional killing of a human child in its pre-birth stage of life. Although we sympathize with women who are caught in difficult unwanted pregnancy situations, we would also call such women to take courageous actions to protecting the delicate child which presently is living within them. We support nonviolent social campaigning which brings to light the truth about abortion and supports pro-life convictions. We oppose any use of violence on either side of this issue by activists and others.

Video: Life: The Long And The Short Of It
If you would like more information on abortion and how to fight it beyond what we have offered here I recommend the following website: UnmaskingChoice.ca I warn you that this website contains very graffic photos and videos of abborted babies. It is a separate organization from our own and as such does not necessarily support all statements made by this ministry. Visit them today and let them encourage you in taking a public stand for truth.
Shawn Stevens.
Video: Life: The Long And The Short Of It